Title Date Summary Maps Markers Category & Tags

Down the East Okemont valley 

30 Jul '24

A lovely afternoon walk in hot sunshine from Okehampton station up the track to Camp Road and across the moor and down into the East Okemont valley

Full description 438 words

No Markers


Inny Valley Way Loop 

12 Feb '23

On the foothills of Bodmin Moor

Not assigned to any map

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Laughter Tor 19th Jan 2024 

19 Jan '24

With Jane up Bellivier Tor then met C&J on Laughter Tor. Beautiful sunny clear cold day

No Markers


Two Moors - Beltor to Widdecombe 

26 Feb '23

With Chris & John and Carol & Nick ending at the pub in WIdecombe

No Markers


Two Moors Way - Beltor OAB 

29 Jan '23

29th January with Chris and John. Out-and-back with a slight loop around the tor.

No Markers


Two Moors Way - Teignworthy to Grimspound 

16 May '23

A lovely late spring day with Chris & John

No Markers


Two Moors Way - Widecombe to Grimspound OAB 

06 Nov '20

WIth Eddie the Dog who disgraced himself with a lamb.

No Markers


Two Valleys Way - Loop touching St.Neot 

25 Apr '23

With Chris & John. A fine walk plumbing the depths and ascending to the heights.

Not assigned to any map

No Markers


xbMaps by CrOsborne